January 5: National Bird Day

Why would Bird Day be celebrated in January……when most of the birds have migrated to warmer weather….

ENJOY THE COLD WEATHER SUCKAS HAHAH – all the birds in florida

That being said, it IS much warmer this winter than normal. Maybe I can find the elusive bird flying around. The squirrels are still here and fat as ever, why not birds? I see pigeons ALL THE TIME.

It’s so big and FLUFFY

Then as I was walking around, I noticed a bird fly by me. I giggled and walked away.

As I walked back to my apartment, I suddenly saw like five birds. I whipped out my phone and tried to take a photo before the birds saw the camera and flew away. I FINALLY got one photo of the 10+ birds I managed to see in my 2 minute walk home.

The only bird willing to pose for me. In front of a port-a-potty, obviously

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