March 14: HI GUYS

Hi everybody! (Hi Doctor Nick.)

Simpsons 4 eva

First things first, I must address why I disappeared for two months without a word like a really terrible friend.

I am/was anxious.

One day I went to write my blog post and my immediate reaction was “I cannot do this.” So I didn’t.

I went to try again and my brain went “Please don’t do this. This is stressful.”

And it is. Updating a daily blog on top of homework, finding an internship, friends, family, social life and keeping healthy is a lot for me. So I just stopped. I let myself hide. I couldn’t even talk about this blog: my boyfriend (SURPRISE) would ask me about it and I would awkwardly mumble something and change the subject.

I’m not one to just hide and quit on stuff. But I’ve noticed I’ve been withdrawing from stuff and hiding. Not enough that it’s a problem, but enough for me to know that something’s up. I don’t want to hide.

I also noticed I stopped caring. I would try to do a post and be like “but I have more important stuff to do!! I don’t wannnnaaaaaaaa.” I am going to make myself care so hi I’m back!!

Fittingly, today is National Nap Day.


This is a selfie.

Naps are the number one thing that keep me going. Other than pizza and coffee.

In high school, I would have daily naps because waking up early and going to school for eight hours a day was my personal hell.

Now I nap maybe once-thrice a week and it’s lovely. I feel lucky that both my bed and my couch are ideal napping locations.

Thank you Shaida for this creeper photo of me sleeping.

No one should share a bed with me while I nap though. Apparently I:

  • Twitch
  • Kick
  • Elbow people in the face
  • Steal the covers
  • Cuddle attack you while asleep
  • Hog the b
  • I think I’ve talked in my sleep a few times. I woke up crying and laughing on separate occasions.

Though I love naps, no one can beat my friend Alicia who is known for her prolific skill of falling asleep in any location no matter the circumstance.

Middle of the day during a break between classes? Give her sunglasses and a coat and she’s golden.

House of Commons? No problem. Bar? Amateur hour.

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